Thursday, May 27, 2010

The day may have changed but the food is still great!

I realize the name of this blog is Thursday dinner but now that Anthony is out of school we are no longer restricted to Thursday in order to have delicious food. This week we rented the Road. Wow what an intensely stressful movie. On a different note this week I made a potato spinach curry with Fava beans. Let me tell you a little about Fava beans, what a pain in the butt! First you have to take out all of the beans from the pods, then you have to blanch those, then you have to peel this waxy outer skin to finally get to the edible portion of the bean. I probably wouldn't grow this much of a hassle next time. Though if the Fava beans were the highlight of the dish it would be worth the effort. Just in a curry though the effort was not worth it. In addition to the curry for dinner Anthony made some collard green wraps. The stuffing was a pizza based stuffing that had tomatoes, fennel seed, oregano, etc in it. To compliment the wrap he made a dipping sauce consisting of cashews, water, avocado, and some spices. Wonderful!!

For dessert Sean made sweet potato scones that turned out great!! Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of those.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Parks/Office Finale = Heartbreak

I'm not going to go in to the heartbreak I felt after watching the season finale of Parks and Recreation. Why do comedy shows have to incorporate romantic tension. UGH!!!!!!

Anyways here is what is important. As compensation for watching two wonderful cats (Mori and Ollie) Anthony made sean and I dinner. Here is what we were so fortunate to eat. First we started the meal with a salad. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the delicious salad but I'll describe it. It started with fresh mache topped with sesame seeds and sliced avocado. To finish off the salad the dressing was an arugula vinaigrette. The main course was homemade gnocchi with seitan sausage and asparagus covered with a light cashew based cream sauce with dill, roasted red pepper, and other tasty spices.

...Until next week...

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 6th, 2010

In keeping with the celebration of cinco de mayo the theme of this week's meal was mexican. Here's a starter picture.

The following was the menu:

Seitan Tacos - These tacos were homemade by Anthony. The seitan was made from scratch and using his secret spice mix was slightly fried on the stove to give it a wonderful crispiness. The tacos were also topped with freshly chopped onion and cilantro and a spread of guacamole. Unfortunately I could not find ripe tomatoes so store bought guacamole had to be used. This part nearly killed me.

Cilantro Spiced Rice - Sean made this rice. It was a blend of some spices but focused the attention of the taste to cumin and cilantro. It was very delicious. The only downside to this dish is that it took 4 times longer than the recipe stated. Sean was not very thrilled about this.

Watermelon Cantaloupe Smoothie - This smoothie was a from scratch concoction made by Mr. Anthony himself. I found the sweetness perfect but for those who need sweeter tasting smoothies vodka or agave could be added. I really wish I got a picture of this, it was perfectly palatable.

Here's the last picture I have of the meal. Unfortunately I did not have my camera so my iPhone camera will have to due this one time.

....Until next week!